Friday 24 September 2021



I watched an excellent Icelandic 'Nordic Noir' series on Netflix called TRAPPED.

One of the characters who was housebound in a wheelchair, kept track of his neighbours through his telescope. He was able to keep the police informed of illegal goings-on and added to the a 'narrative' for the series.

My telescope keeps me connected with goings-on in the bay and today, as it's wet and cold and windy I don't have the telescope set up on the deck but I have it looking out the side door window close to where I'm sitting at the dining table (The Old Girl is (still) using my study as her office).

Here I get a chance to, again. provide a link to that excellent Grateful Dead track 'Box of Rain'.


The Old Guys - Mike, Tony, Richard and me kept contact last year during the lockdown periods via ZOOM calls. 

Mike, when I spoke with him a few weeks ago said he would set up another call but, to date, nothing has happened. The rest of us leave this to Mike using the excuse that he, having worked in the industry, is media savvy. The truth is that we are just lazy. 

I won't hurry Mike on just yet as Richard will be busy practising for his many gigs now that he's been 'discovered'. Kind of like the dead sea scrolls being dug up thousands of years later , like his posts might be I guess.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I hope the women in your neighborhood don't read the bit about the telescope - they'll never get undressed again.


Ha bloody ha!
Need I remind you of your habit of standing beneath stairs when females are ascending?

Richard (of RBB) said...

I was five bloody years old! It was scientific curiosity.


"Scientific curiosity is a desire to seek out and consume scientific information just for the pleasure of doing so. People who are science-curious do this because they take satisfaction in seeing what science does to resolve mysteries."

Or, to paraphrase to match the aforementioned scenario:

"Scientific curiosity is a desire for pleasure. People who are science-curious do this because they take satisfaction." Dirty little sod.

No doubt Robert will have a Catholic catechism-inspired view of this.

He was a dirty little devil as well having been discovered peeping through the windows of a naked Mrs O'Connor.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Okay. Caught out. Off to Hell.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Hang on, Bishop Fulton Sheen might have an out.
Was there:
"1.Grievous or serious matter.
2. Serious and sufficient reflection.
3. Full consent of the will. Passions or fear can diminish the sin".

Richard (of RBB) said...

Old Sheen sounds like a no hoper.


1. Grievous or serious matter?

Well, it was grievous but, in the case of both you and Richard at the ages you were committing these heinous activities probably no 'matter' was deposited.

2. Serious and sufficient reflection.

Richard told us that a big girl caught him looking up little girls' dresses so hopefully she made him think about what he did. Let's just hope that when she was giving him the lecture she wasn't wearing patent leather shiny shoes as, no doubt, he would have been looking up her skirt.

As for you Robert, holier than holy, the only reflection was probably yours in the windows you were looking in.

3. Full consent of the will. Passions or fear can diminish the sin.

OK, you were both little and your penises were little too. I don't think it needed fear to shrink them although you, in the garden and the cold could have had 'shrinkage'.