Wednesday 15 September 2021


* No, not the excellent Bob Rafelson film that I've recommended before to you Philistines. That is superb and the best of Jack Nicholson's acting as an angry oil-rigger who has turned his back on family and his past career as a classical pianist.

When he learns that his father is dying, he travels north  to the family home in Washington to visit him.
This is well worth watching but ........

No, the five easy pieces should read as five easy golf balls.
I played golf today for the first time since the beginning of this year's lockdowns. The course has been flooded after the torrential storms we've had over the last couple of weeks and was still boggy. I played some very good shots though, doing a quick nine holes before the rain. I concentrated on tee shots and follow up fairway shots to the greens and only chipped and putted on four of them so the game was quick.

I'd promised The Old Girl that I wouldn't go fossicking for golf balls and, by and large, I kept to that. I did find five golf balls though. Easy ones that were suckered into the fairway or just sitting in the longer grass beside the fairways. I didn't have to go down banks, into creeks or bash through undergrowth to find them. As a result I didn't sustain any injuries and didn't have to hide anything when I returned home.

I didn't tell her that I found five golf balls though.


Richard (of RBB) said...




Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I think the Catechism of the Catholic church would find no fault as it was not done with full knowledge of stealing another person's balls and was not intended to offend God.


Fuck god!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Mary sort of did.


No, she was doing it with archangel Gabriel.