Wednesday 6 October 2021


"In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pills you took today."

Today's post references astrophysically-challenged Richard of Richard's Bass Bag who wrote this today:

In it he said:
"The unusual thing about Cygnus A was that the whole planet had daytime at the same time and night at the same time ........"  OK, WE'LL STOP THAT RIGHT THERE. This is just wrong.
Cygnus A is not a planet. It's a radio galaxy.

Cygnus A  is a radio galaxy, and one of the strongest radio sources in the sky. It was discovered by Grote Reber in 1939. In 1951, Cygnus A, along with Cassiopeia A, and Puppis A were the first "radio stars" identified with an optical source. Of these, Cygnus A became the first radio galaxy; the other two being nebulae inside the Milky Way. 

- Wikipedia

Got that?

Good. The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ takes pride in keeping readers properly informed.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Ah, but that radio galaxy stuff is all just a cover up by the rich people who plan to send their great grandchildren there some day. And that's a fact!


It sounds like you're ready to return to the Catholic Churchand that's a Robert-type fact.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oh, I see your mistake now, I was talking about Pygnus A not Cygnus A. Seems it was just a silly little misunderstanding.

"It sounds like you're ready to return to the Catholic Churchand that's a Robert-type fact."
I think you're having trouble following the story, and writing proper words. I hope you're not drinking already!


I've never drunk 'already'.
Is that one of your cleanskin 'brands'?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, the jokes are sharp today.

Not funny but sharp.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"Nothing wrong with the Catholic Church; oh I see several thousand clergy molesting children in France now."
Yep, all sounds good.



Typical Catholic underestimation of problems.
The 'several thousand' molested children in France was actually several HUNDRED thousand.

Jesus (not the historical character) is a fabrication of the catholic church and the emperor Constantine - a myth invented for political reasons of the 4th century.

There is no such thing as the eucharist other than it being a rather quaint and arcane ceremony not unlike playing with a ouija board and having little black masses.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Good to see you boys having fun.