Friday 24 December 2021



I put a comment on a Neighbourly post earlier and am waiting for all the entitled dog owners to have a go at me. This Neighbourly site is a laugh. It purports to be about bringing communities together but what I see mostly is how racist, nasty and stupid so many people are. Richard shouldn't go there as most of the morons can't spell and grammar is something they think they are related to (they aren't because they're bastards).

I know that Northland is one of the few regions of New Zealand that have comparatively low Covid vaccination figures but reading Neighbourly you'd think that the majority are red-necked, anti-vax, conspiracy believing, red-hatted, National supporting christians. The anti-Labour Government, 'freedom' stance is frightening but I guess is just the tail wagging the dog ....

..... speaking of which ....... the post I commented on was by a DOC supporter who reminded people with dogs to be aware that most of the Whangarei Heads area is Kiwi sanctuary and to control their dogs.

I commented: 

..... which is pretty mild but people up here are feral like some of Richard and Robert's neighbours.

At each end of the nice walking tracks we have around here there are council signs giving directions and instructions including stickers (or sometimes painted on) that either forbid dogs or require that dogs be on leashes. Of course some scrotes think that they're above that and ignore the signs. I often have to remind people of this who I encounter on one of the tracks who have an unleashed (and potentially uncontrolled) dog. "Oh he (or she)'s friendly" they invariably say while I give the dog a mental message that if it thinks of even looking at a kiwi I'll boot it into the harbour.

One of these dog people, or maybe all of them are responsible for removing the stickers. I've approached the council about this and have been given vague responses that they will look into it. If they do something I guess the stickers get ripped off. 

I haven't heard anything further.

A couple of years ago I approached the council for a sign that I could put up on the grass verge by the steps leading down to the beach opposite or house..

The council did send me a sign which I laminated and attached to a post that I installed. This lasted for over 3 years until a big storm destroyed it.

I don't think that I'll bother with another council sign but instead I'll have this one made up and install it:

Have a Merry Christmas.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Love it!


But did you notice the spelling and the grammatical errors in my earlier (second in the post) email to the council?
I (ahem) deliberately made these in keeping with the literacy standards of the region.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

You still have not proved that God does not exist.


Sorry Sunshine, you've got it arse about face (as per usual). It's up to you, as someone putting forward a clearly ludicrous idea, to prove that the mythical (invented) notion of god exists. Sheesh!