Thursday 30 December 2021


 Trev: "Reckon".

As expected The Old Girl took over the painting-the-new-windows job and I was relegated to the fetching and carrying role.

She was using the Gorilla stepladders and the linking trestle plank but wanted something a bit more manoeuvrable (once my shortcomings as a fetcher and a carrier were proven). "I want one of those little platforms that connect to the steps" she said.

Yesterday, when we went to Mitre 10 no 'little platform that connects to the steps' was to be seen anywhere so she did what no self-respecting bloke does in a hardware store - she asked someone. Sure enough a 'little platform that connects to the steps' was duly found and she was delighted with it.

"That can be my birthday present" she declared and I willingly accepted. Her birthday is on January 7th.

Before we left the tradesmen section she spied a hand truck.

"Ooo, I want one of those" she said. "We're getting old and that'll be useful for moving things".

"OK" I answered "but that'll have to be your anniversary present". Our 34th anniversary is on February 3rd.

"OK" she agreed.

The ladder platform cost $47 and the hand truck "39. A good deal and presents problem sorted.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...


And drunk ex classmates.