Wednesday 29 December 2021




"Don't do this and don't do that
What are they trying to do?
Make a good boy of you
Do they know where it's at?
Don't criticize, they're old and wise
Do as they tell you to
Don't want the devil to
Come out and put your eyes"

Richard followed my Post of school photos with a 'post' of his own. HERE and AND HERE

Look, he tries hard, let's give him that and move on.

I looked through the year books to the year that Robert started college - 1969. While Robert didn't make the top class - 3P, to be fair he did make 3P2 which, if we were to use a Christian analogy, being between 3P and 3G is like being in Purgatory between Heaven and Hell.

Anyway here are some photos that show where The Curmudgeon, Robert and Richard naturally gravitated to:

The Curmudgeon hung out with the cool guys

Robert hung out with the 'cool' school band

Richard hung out with these 'cool' guys who were just cold. (Note: he can't be seen because he's at the front of the queue).


Richard (of RBB) said...

Hey, I was drum sergeant in the school band!


OK. Were you skiving off then when that photograph was taken with Robert in it?


Was that wheelbarrow there for you to take your tuck shop purchases back to class?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Ian Manning (on my right or is it left) turned out a gifted drummer. He has organised several reunions for our class. Which I, of course , declined to attend. Stefan Kolaczinski said they were all piss heads and after talking to some of them, they had rejected their faith anyway.

Richard (of RBB) said...

So, these are people Robert doesn't love. Bloody piss heads!


What got me was the "Which I, of course , declined to attend."

Oh to be a Christian.

And, Robert doesn't consider himself to be a piss head. Interesting.

Also, it seems that it's not worth associating with old friends who have rejected their faith. Maybe Robert and Stefan Kolaczinski could get together. They could get married since it's legal now or just become lovers since Pope Frank hinted that it's OK.