Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Monday, 30 May 2022
Sunday, 29 May 2022
Saturday, 28 May 2022
Friday, 27 May 2022
The cavalry to the rescue.
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Oops! Sorry, wrong one, that's calvary .
As I said I'd do in that previous post, I lit the fire for warmth and cheer.
While getting in kindling and wood from the woodshed I brought in extra and also lit the wood-burner in the small lounge at the end of the house. It's only 15 degrees in the house so not exactly 'arctic' but certainly cooler than we're used to. anyway it makes for a cosy environment while it's raining outside.
I'm going to be lazy today and settle in to some reading and TV watching. I'm reading David Nobbs' book 'A Bit of a Do' which is very good and funny. Nobbs also wrote the Reginald Perrin series. As I sometimes do I decided to watch the 'Bit of a Do' TV series in between reading chapters. This was screened quite a while ago but it wears very well and the actors selected match the characters in the book exactly. Maybe it was especially written for them.
So, how's your Friday shaping up?
It's better as a brass band tune than the sentiments expressed in the actual song:
In articulo mortis
Caelitus mihi vires
Nearer, my God, to Thee
Nearer to Thee
E'en though it be a cross
That raiseth me
I'm back after spending 4 days in the Assessment Unit at our local hospital. Yesterday it was touch and go during an endoscopic procedure and I did actually think that I could prove or disprove Robert's belief in a god and a hereafter. I came close and may tell you about this in further detail some time.
Meanwhile, it's a funny old world still with, among other vile things, USA in Texas having the worst school shootings for a decade and a spate of gun crimes in Auckland.
Luckily Robert came out against the Texas shootings with some quotes from the Catechism and scriptures. Well done that man - that'll sort it just like the gun totin' Americans do with their 'hearts and prayers' platitudes when these things happen.
It's a miserable day here today but far, far better than sitting in a hospital room. The care and attention I received however was superb and I just cannot understand why some people are so critical of hospital care in this country. Maybe it's because I'm pleasant to the doctors, nurses and other staff.
I think that I'll light the fire in the main lounge today to 'cheer' the house up and our spirits. I guess I have to take it easy and I know that The Old Girl was worried. I discovered this morning that she had sorted out my socks, underwear and T-shirts drawers, resorting and folding everything nicely rather than the normal jumble I have them in. It's always a sign. She's back working today so I'll get the house cosy and decide on something nice for dinner (a nod to Robert there) probably Teriyaki fish and rice.
Sunday, 22 May 2022
* Actually, bedroom furniture, not chairs.
Well, the great furniture move around has been done. I know that you've been looking forward to seeing this and, once again. I apologise for the delay. I also apologise for the standard of this post as I've been 'under the weather'.
The small 4-drawer kauri chest in the master bedroom that hogged this space has been moved .
Friday, 20 May 2022
Against my better judgement, I allowed a discussion on the non-existence of god to dominate our blogging over the last day or so. Mea culpa. Robert was helpful, finally admitting that there was no proof of the existence of god which I thought had comfortably brought the discussion to a conclusion when he said:
"But to get back to the subject, I believe there is no real proof that God exists because the God that is, is outside science or the observable." - Robert the apathetic sanctimonious pork eating sinner and catholic
Richard kind of agreed that there was no god although, being distracted, he wavered a little. I thought that it would be best, in view of there not being a god to contact, to talk to his/her/its supposed representative on earth, the Pope.
The New Zealand Catholic diocese were helpful in making the arrangements to talk, via ZOOM with Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and were enthusiastic when I showed them my school prefect badges, class photographs (they were particularly pleased at the 'P' class status), my letter from the St Patrick's College Foundation and an old school sock that I had in the back of a drawer. I didn't mention my time as a Sacristan and thought better of providing them with a link to The Religious Curmudgeon's blog.
The Curmudgeon: Greetings Pope Francis. Thank you for 'meeting' with me.
Il Papa : You can call me Il Papa my son if I can call you TC.
The Curmudgeon: Oh, gee, thanks Papa, I'll ...
Il Papa : Il Papa.
The Curmudgeon: Huh? Oh, I see, Il Papa, OK, um .... look, I'm part of a blogging community that discusses important things like religion, politics, music and household furniture and we ...
Il Papa : Community TC? How big is this community?
The Curmudgeon: Well, Il Papa, it's big .... it's, well now, it has three members. There's Rob....
Il Papa : Three members? Mmmm. Does this blogging community have a name?
The Curmudgeon: A name? Gee, I hadn't thought of that. I could ask the others but between you and me dad, er Il Papa that'd be like trying to get a tennis club committee to agree on something.
Il Papa : Ha ha. Yes, I know, I've got the same thing here with all of these damned (and most of them will be) cardinals. I find it best just to be autocratic and make my own decisions and enforce them. It's easier that way.
The Curmudgeon: Hey, great advice. Thanks. I could tell the others that we agreed to call the community TC AND A COUPLE OF FIDDLERS. The old guy Richard will have forgotten that we agreed on the name and Robert will buy into it as soon as I tell him that you and I discussed it.
Il Papa : Good thinking. I like it, I could borrow that for use in many of the Marist schools that we have.
The Curmudgeon: OK, let's move on Il Papa ..... look, this Il Papa thing is a bit cumbersome frankly can I call you ...
Il Papa : Frank? Surely, but don't call me Shirley. Ha ha.
The Curmudgeon: Ha ha. OK Frank, look, is there a god or not?
Il Papa : Well, that depends what you mean by god?
The Curmudgeon: Here we go. Mealy-mouthed tripe just like Robert wheels out. Can't even you give me a straight answer?
Il Papa : Look, let me finish.
The Curmudgeon: OK, the floor is yours (sotto voce) And the rest of the world according to you guys.
Il Papa : What's that my son?
The Curmudgeon: Oh, I just said best to carry on big guy.
Il Papa : Mmm, well, anyway, to proclaim God to others does not mean to "justify his existence" because "even the devil knows that God exists." Instead, the church fulfills its duty to proclaim God's love by "giving witness to the joy of knowing him. God is not the answer to an intellectual curiosity or to a commitment of the will, but an experience of love, called to become a story of love. The mystery of God is never exhausted; it is as immense as his love.
The Curmudgeon: Jesus.
Il Papa : Yes, Jesus is God as well, let me ...
The Curmudgeon: Um.. just a mo Frank, have you heard of George Carlin?
Il Papa : George? Yes, I like old George. He gets a bit bolshie sometimes but I like his style.
The Curmudgeon: Well, have you listened to his "There is no God' sketch?
Il Papa : Yeah, I loved. it, especially when he said that he prayed to Joe Pesci. I love Joe Pesci. Have you seen Goodfellas?
The Curmudgeon: Hey! I can see what you're doing there - obfuscation, bafflement, bewilderment, confusion, discombobulation, fog, perplexity and puzzlement. All leading to stupefaction and the inquisitor tearing his hair out (what's left) and giving up.
Il Papa : H ha, right, you got me.The Curmudgeon: Well, I guess we agree to disagree. You can believe in your silly old god as long as you stop bothering me ....oh, can you have a word with that St Pat's guy who keeps sending me those begging letters for the St Pat's Foundation?
Il Papa : That's a deal. You know that he never made the P classes. I think he's a bit disgruntled about that - they usually are. I'd best get along, I think I'll declare that Trans people can get the operation free of charge from the Catholic Church with its blessing. That'll get the cardinals in a tizzy for a while and keep me amused.
The Curmudgeon: Ha ha, great idea. Robert will be pissed off and confused at the same time. He'll then wonder if, as you approve it, he himself should get the op. That'll keep the blogs going for a while. thanks Frank.
Il Papa : Addio.
Well, that wraps that up. Old Frank's not such a bad chap -a bit misguided still, but we'll bring him around.
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
We've had a bit of fun with Robert on the posts over the last two days.
The Religious Curmudgeon wrote a post titled 'WILL THE CATHOLICS HAVE A NEW SAINT SOON?' HERE fully expecting a bit of a reaction and boy, did we get one - 27 comments which must be a record for the Religious Curmudgeon just exceeding the number of comments on the March 2018 post titled 'ANYONE WHO WENT TO ST PATRICK'S COLLEGE AND STILL THINKS THAT HE'S A CHRISTIAN IS A BIT WEIRD.' HERE. I imagine that this could only be surpassed by a post titled something like 'SAINT FAUSTINA AND JESUS CAUGHT IN A MENAGE A TROIS WITH MARY MAGDALENE'. Hey! That gives me an idea .....
Anyway, in this latest post Robert got the comments rolling with the first comment:
******************** UPDATE *********************
Just after I posted this I saw that Robert came back and posted a new comment on The Religious Curmudgeon's post - 28 comments now!
This was in response to our questions to him as to why his god can't communicate directly and simply with humans instead of using 2000 year old texts, burning bushes, visions via religious nutters and arcane images in the clouds, on potatoes and on tea towels for example. They were really simple questions and Richard asked a contemporary one along the lines of why couldn't his god create a miracle and save the women and children in Ukraine from being blown to bits.
Robert's answer, another question really is as silly and mealy-mouthed as we'd expect. We go around in circles with this guy. When pushed he has to admit that this all-powerful, all-seeing, all-doing and supreme being is really just invisible and probably not there. He/she/it apparently can't do anything. In being asked for another way of proving that god 'is' I'd just say - stop that fucking Ukraine war. That'd be a start.
Monday, 16 May 2022
First of all I wish to apologise to my readers for not updating this blog for a few days and for not following through on the promised new posts on furniture and the garden. I've been unwell - stupid health - but as I have a couple of hours to spare before having to go into town for an ultra-sound I will provide an update on the retaining wall (the furniture hasn't yet arrived and will hopefully be delivered on Wednesday. Stupid furniture company).
I'm aware that my non-posting has put undue pressure on some readers with Richard (of RBB) desperately in need of a distraction and Robert (of something or other) writing posts just for himself and desperately trying to become a saint (the Religious Curmudgeon will comment on this later).
Last Thursday the landscapers (finally) completed the task. This has taken them all of 5 months with hold-ups from Covid sickness and bad weather and The Old Girl telling them "no hurry, just come and go when you can". To be fair though they've done a nice job and it's now much tidier than it was before.
Now, when I'm feeling better and The Old Girl gets a break from work we'll back-fill with soil, woodchips and mulch and start a planting programme.
As Joni Mitchell said : "We've got to get ourselves back to the garden."
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
I was going to wait until this retaining wall job was finished before posting but it's been happening now for 4 months and besides, Richard is getting antsy and wanting updates on the furniture status in our house so I thought that this might keep him quiet for a bit.
The builders have done quite a bit today and yesterday and have finished the roadside portion and, maybe over the next two days will finish the driveway side.
To be fair their workforce was depleted by Omicron ripping through them and we've had very variable and rainy weather for months (La Nina which may be here for another 3 years).
It'll be good to be able to back-fill with some soil and get a planting programme going.
Well, that's it but it gives me an excuse for another post when they've finished.
Don't forget about the promised furniture post which is scheduled for Saturday.
I wonder of Robert is moving away from saying silly things about religion* and now saying silly things about politics?
Here's a comment he made on Richard's latest post:
A 'left wing thingy' I guess is any informed comment or opinion generally found in legitimate media and without having any conspiracy theorising reactionary, right-wing bias.![]() |
Well, not that gaily |
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More like this. |
* Probably not as there is so much silly shit out there for him to regurgitate without having to put much thought into it.
Monday, 9 May 2022
Some anonymous person has made a complaint to the crossing administrator, saying that 'correct' procedures are not being used. Last week the administrator sent this out to patrol people:
It's been brought to my attention that correct calls are not being made before allowing your customers to cross the road. The checks and calls are imperative for the safety of both yourselves and the crossers.
The following procedures MUST be followed at all times please.
1. When safe to do so, both sides agree "Signs Out"
2. Once both barriers are out, both of you must check that cars have stopped either side, before the barrier
3. One side shouts across "Check"
4. Other side shouts "Clear"
5. Once "check" and "clear" have been called you may tell your customers to "Cross now".
So this person obviously felt incensed enough to make a complaint but didn't have the gumption to mention it to the people actually doing the work at the time.
The 'procedure' is actually a bit naff and was designed for school children themselves to do the crossing duty, supervised by an adult, hence the rather ponderous and 'by rote' aspect of the drill. For some reason, during this pandemic WHICH IS STILL ONGOING EVEN THOUGH MANY FOOLS THINK THAT IT HAS PASSED schoolchildren haven't been involved and the adults have been manning the barricades.
As such, the adults do the job properly without shouting out all of the drill except to state clearly to the children things like "safe to cross now".
I'm a bit pissed off for several reasons:
1. There's a poor response from parents to get involved in this.Most parents, usually mothers, turn up to collect their kids and use the crossing but can't be arsed to volunteer 25 minutes of their time to assist.
2. Schoolteachers don't get involved because they are 'too busy' after classes finish.
3. I'm just about the only person still wearing a mask even though some of the volunteers have reported that they have or have had Covid.
4. Oh, and I guess here's the crunch - I don't like anonymous complainers. This person should step up and help out instead of complaining.
I've declared myself unavailable this week and next week and it's unlikely that I will return to this.
Sunday, 8 May 2022
It's such a nice day today that I decided to take the kayak out for a couple of hours in the bay. I haven't been out for ages so thought I'd take advantage of the calm water and sunshine.
Saturday, 7 May 2022
EDITORIAL- New Zealand Herald
Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard's actions over recent months bear the hallmarks of a curmudgeon who has lost all sense of proportion.
In allowing parliamentary security to issue a trespass notice against a political party leader for visiting a protest on the front lawn of the Beehive, he has descended beyond farce to witless asininity.
Mallard and the protesters faced off during the mid–February encampment in what appeared to be a contest to be crowned the dumbest.
One protester stripped naked and danced in front of police officers, another painted a swastika on a statue, others planted cannabis seeds in the gardens and relieved themselves against a war memorial. Mallard ordered the lawn sprinklers be turned on in the night and played schmaltzy pop songs at high volume.
Given his job description, it was Mallard who stooped the most in the churlish tit-for-tat.
By allowing a prohibition order to be issued against NZ First leader Winston Peters, Mallard has carried on where he should have long since stopped digging himself and the Speaker's designation, into ignobility.
In 2007, Mallard punched National Party MP Tau Henare after Henare made comments about a new relationship Mallard had formed.
Mallard's handling of the education portfolio was strongly criticised by teachers' unions, including the PPTA. In his first term as minister, he was strongly criticised by teachers during a long-running strike action over salaries.
In his second term, he was criticised for a program of school closures, that involved almost 90 schools across the country. The program was eventually stopped after it faced heavy criticism from parents and teachers.
In 2002, Trevor Mallard made crude comments about inserting beer bottles into "uncomfortable places" of IRB chairman Vernon Pugh and Australian Rugby boss John O'Neill during a radio interview about following the withdrawal of co-hosting rights for the 2003 RWC.
In 2012, Mallard was accused of ticket scalping when he sold four tickets to the Homegrown music festival for a $246 profit. The MP had in 2006 initiated legislation, the Major Events Management Act 2007, prohibiting ticket scalping for major events.
In 2018 Mallard decided to remove 'Jesus' from the Parliament prayer which sparked a protest of around 1000 people who argued Mallard had overstepped his authority. Mallard said he consulted with parliamentarians and found that many of them were in favour of a secular prayer where the word 'God' remained but 'Jesus' was removed.
In 2020, Mallard was sued by a Parliamentary worker who alleged that the Speaker had defamed him by claiming in May 2019 that a rapist was working at Parliament. The plaintiff has described these remarks as defamatory and untrue. Later Mallard apologised to the parliamentary staff member whom he accused of rape.
At the anti-mandate protests in Wellington this year Mallard, as Speaker of the House, Mallard was unable to order the protestors to be dispersed by force, so instead responded to their refusal of them to vacate Parliament's grounds by turning sprinklers on full and setting up loud speakers playing copyrighted music and pro-vaccination messages.
This month Mallard in his capacity as Speaker of the House approved Parliament Security's issuing of 151 trespass notices against individuals who had participated in the Wellington anti-vaccine mandate protest. Five of these trespass notices were issued to former Members of Parliament; namely Matt King, Winston Peters, Rodney Hide, Marama Fox and Darroch Ball.
Friday, 6 May 2022
Thanks Robert and this is our #1 accolade.
As you may have noticed, Robert seems to have difficulty in reading long posts and needs lots of pictures to sustain his interest. He also likes mention of things like, himself, god, abortion, Jesus, church and the virgin Marry. Maybe I should, when writing future posts, create a special version (not virgin) for him.
Millionaire and CEO of a chemical company, Simon Henry made a stupid comment about My Food Bag founder Nadia Lim recently, claiming that she was "Eurasian fluff" showing some cleavage.
Lim, of Chinese descent and a woman who probably supports the idea that women should have control over their own bodies was outraged.
There was no comment from Cardinal John Dew.
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Not Cardinal Dew, but close. |
The Virgin Mary was asked but provided no comment.
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"No comment and please stop trying to take photographs up my dress". |
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"That goes for me too" - Jesus |
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"Robert wouldn't approve of those images" - God |
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"Did someone mention my name?" - Robert |
I guess money doesn't make you smarter.
I bitched about the excessive use of rules in rugby in an earlier post. It was pique yes but some of the penalty rules are silly and are slo...
I have exciting news for you readers. I ordered 'Sectare Fidem - Celebrating 125 Years (1885 to 2010' from St Patrick's College ...
* And hopefully not the cataclysmist. We all know that Donald Trump is a buffoon who has become inexplicably wealthy and influential. He is...