Sunday 8 May 2022


 It's such a nice day today that I decided to take the kayak out for a couple of hours in the bay. I haven't been out for ages so thought I'd take advantage of the calm water and sunshine.

I 'tootled' around, crossing the bay and checking out the new boats moored. I was hoping t osee some sea critters but was rewarded only by a smattering of piper who were 'scared up' by the shadow of the kayak. Lucky for them no birds swooped down and ate them.
I alternated between leisurely paddling and hard-out racing style. When I do the racing style I, as you do, imagine that I'm competing in the Olympics. Readers will be pleased to know that I won both the heats and the semis and took gold in the final. Job done!

I made a coffee when I got back, using the Sanitarium  'Barista blend' oat milk mixed with 'blue' milk. It's delicious and made me think of a title for a new series of posts - 'HOW TO .....'. It occurred to me that many of my readers don't know how to do many things properly and are in need of a bit of instruction. They, after all, live in a place named Hutt South of which its main claim to fame is electing Trevor Mallard to parliament. Look out for the new series.

It's shaping up to be a great afternoon as well and I might get in a few holes of golf.

I hope that you're not wasting your day inside a stuffy old church listening to sermons.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm still looking for words to describe this post.


Try a dictionary.

But, seriously I want to help.
Were you looking for words like:

- relevant
- enjoyable
- exciting
- enviable
- unsurpassed

(here's a question mark to cover all of the above -?)

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, I can't find the words there.

Bob said...

I miss most sitting in the kayak looking over the side. Your waters must be super clear.