Friday 6 May 2022


As you may have noticed, Robert seems to have difficulty in reading long posts and needs lots of pictures to sustain his interest. He also likes mention of things like, himself, god, abortion, Jesus, church and the virgin Marry. Maybe I should, when writing future posts, create a special version (not virgin) for him.

Millionaire and CEO of a chemical company, Simon Henry made a stupid comment about My Food Bag founder Nadia Lim recently, claiming that she was "Eurasian fluff"  showing some cleavage.

Lim, of Chinese descent and a woman who probably supports the idea that women should have control over their own bodies was outraged.

There was no comment from Cardinal John Dew.

Not Cardinal Dew, but close.

The Virgin Mary was asked but provided no comment.

"No comment and please stop trying to take photographs up my dress".

"That goes for me too" - Jesus

"Robert wouldn't approve of those images" - God

"Did someone mention my name?" - Robert

I guess money doesn't make you smarter.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I like the idea of parallel multiple posts. No wonder you win awards.
But regrettably it borders on the type of fake news prevailing in the dominion and TV One.
I am sure Richard will like your post though.


I don't know why you call it fake news.
It's been reported widely including the conservative-leaning NZ Herald.
I'm sure that your right wing, christian media will be carrying the story.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I liked that post. Oh, Robert already knew I would. I'll write some bad grammar to make up for being caught out.

Your a smart guy Robit: may be your write about dog making the uneverse. ah making bad grammer is fun is their any thing better two fill in a bet of thyme!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

In hindsight "fake" was not quite the right term. I was thinking of those silly news items that really are not news but purport to be so.
Maybe Peter can help me out.


"Maybe Peter can help me out."

No problem.
Do you want to go out the side door or the back door?