Saturday 25 May 2024


 I put this as #1 because it's the sort of post that is likely to be very popular and will require follow ups.

In his most recent post the 71 year old dreamer imagined a guardian angel as looking like this:

Instead of the more usual this:

Although, to be frank (I'm really Peter) I'd rather my guardian angel looked liked this:

It got me thinking as to what goes on in his brain and how he sees things that normal (you know - the rest of us) see.

Easter bunny

As imagined by normal people

As imagined by Richard


As seen by normal people

As seen by Richard


Swing bridge viewed by normal people

Swing bridge viewed by Richard

Church services

Mass as viewed by normal people

Mass as viewed by Richard


As seen by normal people

As imagined by Richard


As seen by normal people

As imagined by Richard

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

I think I'm seeing quite a bit of reality.

Just saying.