Thursday 16 May 2024


  You probably haven't noticed but yours truly was interviewed by Rob in the first recording session in his new recording studio. I got to sit in the special chair:

I felt chuffed at being given the special chair until Rob said that it squeaks so he has to use his drum stool when recording. I was wondering why he was perched on a strange contraption:

It looked a bit 'orthopaedic' to me and I didn't want to ask in case he had piles or something. I sat still though and made no squeaks except for the usual.

You can read about the interview here ...


... but if short of time or unwilling to go to Robert's blog Rob I understand so here are some excerpted highlights:

Host: Today on my first recording session I have a special guest.

Hey there, Peter! The Curmudgeon himself! Welcome to our podcast, my friend!

[Peter's theme music plays, a playful and cheeky riff]

Host: So, Peter, I heard you've been serving up some aces on the tennis court lately. How's your backhand looking?

Peter: [laughs] Ah, it's still a work in progress, but I'm getting there! And don't even get me started on my golf game... I wasted so much time looking for balls in the past...

Host: [chuckles] Well, we'll keep practicing, my friend! I know you're an atheist, and I've got to ask: what do you think is the most compelling argument for or against the existence of God?

Peter: [thoughtfully] Ah, that's a tough one. I think the problem of evil is a pretty strong argument against the existence of an all-powerful, all-knowing deity. But, at the same time, I think the complexity and beauty of the universe are pretty amazing – even if I don't think it needs a divine explanation.

Host: That's really insightful, Peter. And I love how you approach these big questions with a curious and open mind. You're a true critical thinker, my friend!

Peter: [laughs] Thanks, mate! I try my best to be a skeptical and curious curmudgeon!

[Outro music plays, another friendly and upbeat tune]

Host: Well, that's all the time we have for today, folks. Thanks for tuning in to our conversation with the one and only Peter, the Curmudgeon! If you want to hear more from Peter, check out his blog, where he shares his thoughts on everything from tennis to theology.

Actually that was the entire post of the interview but, be fair, he's just starting out on this interview thingy having been inspired by The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ interview series.

 The interview, as you can see was a success and I'm proud and a little bit humble to have been selected to raise Rob's status in blog-world. I was particularly pleased when Robert aka Rob said this:

"That's really insightful, Peter. And I love how you approach these big questions with a curious and open mind. You're a true critical thinker, my friend!"

Being a Christian, and a Catholic to boot (no jokes please) I Know that he was being sincere whereas if it had been Richard  from 'A Bass Bag' I would have been a bit cynical.

All up it was a pleasant experience. The only niggle that I feel I should mention is that since becoming a teetotaller, the hospitality at Rob's studio left a lot to be desired. Being the first recording session I was expecting Champagne as celebration - even a chardonnay but no, not even a beer. Quite frankly the dodgy-looking glass of kale kombucha didn't cut it. The bubble of kombucha has burst now (not that there were any bubbles in the damned thing) so it's time to move on.

I'm awaiting my certificate (I can frame it myself using those framing skills I have as you'd expect from your Renaissance-type Curmudgeon) and assume that there will be a plaque installed on-site to mark the occasion.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Damn TC! You are a star!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Hey, aren't we supposed to listen to this, as opposed to reading it? Hey, and that AI guy struggles with grammar.