Wednesday 1 May 2024


 I promised Richard - you know the drill - Richard of Richard's Bass Bag - (sheesh! It's getting as bad as talking about Robert's blog with all those silly and long-winded names. I dream about the days -not so long gone- when his blog was just named 'BOB') - that I'd write a post about the house cleaner I contracted to get things 'ship-shape' before The Old Girl gets back from her travels.

She arrived today, a nice young woman who has just gone out on her own in her cleaning business (6 weeks) after working for years in the elderly care industry. She said that she was tired of being paid minimal wage by her employers but... and maybe she is OCD... she said that she hated her employers setting minimal standards of cleaning for her to do e.g. not moving furniture to clean underneath, because she wanted to do a proper job. I wished her well and sincerely hope that it works out for her, We need more people like her who take pride in what they do.

Anyway, moving on. The Music Curmudgeon heard of this and wanted to do a post so, here it is: 


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