Monday 13 May 2024


 .... as those who will not see.

Robert is becoming an arrogant christian again.

Why are christians arrogant?

I checked the internet to see if I was the only one who thought that and surprise! I'm not.

Here a a couple of opinions from others:

So I guess that solves that and answers my question.


The above of course is an example of irony where the arrogant christian attitude of know-it-allness is reflected in a generalised question and 'arrogant' answers.

"What got me on to this?" you might ask. Well, I'll tell you.

On the last Religious Curmudgeon's post Robert raised the topic of parables:

And you can see that it didn't take him long to go to his arrogant christian default sett to say:

"Do you know of any parables that weren't devised by Jesus of Nazareth?"

This isn't an isolated occurrence as Robert often makes sweeping statements of appropriation by christianity and the Catholic Church in particular where he claims that God, Jesus or his Church created morality, ethics, conscience, goodness, love, contrition, belief, trust, faith - basically anything good that mankind has developed an awareness of - naturally- over time. What next? I guess he'll claim that Jesus created Christmas trees!

It took me about 10 seconds to do an internet search to answer Robert's question:

"Do you know of any parables that weren't devised by Jesus of Nazareth?"

It's a wonder that Robert's god(s) don't destroy the internet like they purportedly did to the Tower of Babel.

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