Friday 17 May 2024



My 'Making It Big Time' post was well received having two comments so far which demonstrates the following that this blog has.

Half of the commentators said this:

"Damn TC! You are a star!"

Which is a good observation. Discerning readers like that need to be encouraged.

Rob's blog though has not yet delivered the promised certificate commemorating my guest star appearance in the first recording session in his new recording studio - perhaps it was lost in the mail.  Never mind, I have this one that will fill the gap on the study wall (it doesn't become The Old Girl's office until she returns from Auckland tomorrow).

I think that it's nice and understated and very much 'on point'.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Well deserved. Hang it in your bathroom, by the toilet.

Richard (of RBB) said...

It could be handy if you unexpectedly run out of paper.


Was scatology one of your studies at university?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No. We studied it in 3G in 1966. You 3P guys missed out because you were Seminary studies.


Is that some sort of wank joke?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Of all the letters you could have chosen for that word - bank, dank, yank, tank, and you had to go with a 'w'!


You forgot hank, lank, sank and rank. No wonder you were in the G classes. No wonder too that the G classes studied scatology since sh .... no, I'll leave that. Hank would be annoyed that you forgot him as well.

Richard (of RBB) said...

But only one class sounded like a piss.