Sunday 30 June 2024



I'm enjoying my Sunday communion and the sacred spirit is entering my body like something great that enters your body.

My 'communion' today is a vodka and tonic - Broken Shed vodka and East India 'Old World' tonic. Marvellous.

OK, I have mentioned this before - see ...

... but I thought you'd like to know.

Hey! I deserve it. I've spent many a few a couple of hours under the house today on my excavation project. I'm doing this in small bites but even so today, dug out and moved about 3 cubic metres of dirt and compacted mud with rocks and stones thrown in. Sheesh! It's not easy in such a cramped space.

I've had a long soak in the bath (with Epsom salts) and pre-prepared dinner (chow mein to go with leftover scalloped potatoes) so now I'm relaxing ...ooh! I can feel that sacred spirit roaming through my bloodstream.

Mihi placet id mihi placet

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