Monday 17 June 2024



Yes, I know I've used this Enigma clip before but it is very good and I like it so ...

I am very sorry that I let readers down yesterday - only managing to write one post - on a Sunday! I can do better.

As I said I was feeling under the weather but promise to make up for it though.

The other bloggers read my posts and only one commiserated - slightly. That was Robert who quickly managed to make it ALL ABOUT HIM! He banged on about the fact that he still gets hangovers even when he hasn't been drinking alcohol. See:

Of course this does raise the question: "How the hell does he write his silly and generally incomprehensible posts when there's no alcohol involved?"

Maybe that Holy Spirit he takes has a higher proof than I realised.

The other blogger, Richard, didn't commiserate but instead bizarrely told us that he was considering cutting his balls off with a knife. Although it would only require a very small knife for such minor surgery it was still of concern and reminded me of that sad story Robyn Langwell wrote about weightlifter Robin Tait beating his penis with a beer bottle. See:


I guess that Richard would use a clean-skin chardonnay for the job.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I like the bit about there being a lot of proof for the Holy Spirit.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

You ask how I managed to write without embibing? I write in the morning. Life without expensive, depressing, mind numbing alcohol is really, really good. I sleep well, no pains in organs that are working overtime trying to remove poisons, I've lost 6 kg...


... and gained more than that in being a sanctimonious, holier-than-though boor.