Sunday 9 June 2024


 Not a lot's been happening on the blogs today - in fact, so far, nothing.

Not that it's a bad thing - after all, we might have seen some more nutty posts from that inflamed Catholic from Moera (he should try using some cortisol cream) or some more grumblings from the old Covid-affected man who lives in the furthest and darkest room of his house - again, not a bad thing.

It's been a rainy and grey old day up north. Apart from a grocery run (by car) to the local grocery store for green vegetables for dinner I've been ensconced inside all day reading, dozing and generally doing nothing.

My sedentary state was no doubt influenced by the breakfast I had. Eschewing my normal Weetbix mush which I've told you about before: BABYFOOD  As it was a grey and dreary day I had a 'full English breakfast' but without bacon, sausages and black pudding.

Even without the carcinogenic meat, the egg, toast, tomatoes and potato hash cakes was very filling and I had to have a few zzzs afterwards.

I had planned a few posts for you from The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ but didn't turn the computer on. The Old Girl decided to do a full day's work today and will take next Friday off in lieu so I wasn't given access to my study her office. Maybe I'll write these for you tomorrow.


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