Sunday 23 June 2024


 The Old Girl and I shared a bottle of Champagne and played a couple of games of pool while dinner was cooking last night. Marvellous.

After the pool I stayed in the snooker room to finish my wine and to listen to some selected music tracks.

'Your old shit" said The Old Girl as she went to the kitchen.

Well, my old shit consisted of:

  • 'This Foolish Hear't by Tom Verlaine
  • 'Ain't It Strange' by Patti Smith
  • 'Helpless' as sung by Patti Smith (Neil Young's song)
  • 'Eggs in a Briar Patch' by David Byrne
The last one, the Byrne song and a couple of lead up tracks to it made me think of Robert and his conflicted Catholicism where he tries to reconcile it with his generally right wing reactionary views.

Lord, I been such a bad boy
I been disobedient
I made mistakes
I made blunders

That's true of thousands and thousands of people
Little children don't mean anything!
It's dope; and liquor
I tell ya... unsaved people don't have any means of deliverance


Richard (of RBB) said...

Good to see you posting, you old shit.


I'm sure that's scatological.

Richard (of RBB) said...

No, more like transubstantiation.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Not much happening here.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Richard chuckles.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Then he breaks wind.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Then he notices a slight spill in his undies.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"Oops." he thinks."I wonder if this is scartological?"

Richard (of RBB) said...

"Ah well, it's comments for Peter."


Yes, I liked the ‘scartological’ comment but the rest was just nonsense not unlike Robert’s latest post.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Peter has being watching too many cartoons. He thinks that the dark ages were a time of ignorance.


Well, they were as far as the Catholic Church was concerned.

I might add Robert, that I studied British and European history at university stages one through three and am familiar with the different 'ages' thank you.