Thursday 27 June 2024


We've had a lovely warm day today. People have been swimming in the bay - not me as I'm too wussy but I played tennis in the morning, went shopping in the afternoon and I've just finished mowing the lawn. It' s still bright warm and sunny out.

 Tennis was good - I play Tuesday and Thursday when the weather is nice - and look forward to it.

What I don't look forward to is the score-keeping, or lack of it with some of the silly old buggers.

For some reason, with a good few of them, remembering whether it is 15-love or 40-15 is beyond them. Sheesh! When asked, if I'm on the serving team I always say 40-love. If I'm on the receiving side I say love-40. I used to get away with it but they've rumbled to it now. 

They've also rumbled to the fact that when I hit a ball that I know is going to go out I yell out loudly "Yes!" in the hope that one of them will hit it thinking that it's going in. It used to work.

They call me 'Mister Spin' because I like to slice the ball so that when it lands near a player the ball dramatically bounces sharply left or right making them miss it. They hate it and I love it.

Another thing that bugs me is that a lot of them can't evaluate whether a ball that lands very close to the line is in or out. So many times when I hit a really good serve some silly old duffer calls out "fault" when it is clearly in. Sheesh again!

A while ago I looked on Facebook Neighbourly and advertised for an old wooden tennis umpires's chair of a type that we used to have at Marist tennis club in the 1960s. My idea was to restore it and use it at our oldies tennis club where we would take turns to umpire the games.

Mind you - it probably wouldn't make any difference.