Saturday 1 June 2024


 I'm not going to bang on about the orange idiot being convicted of 34 felony charges in the NYC court - there will be enough commentary on that and besides, there's a zero chance that the criminal will be imprisoned or even properly punished in any way.

What I did notice however is how Trump's supporters - the MAGA red hat wearing dupes, the toadyish Republican arse-lickers and the far right media have come out whinging and complaining about the jury result:

"This is a disgrace"

"An embarrassment to our country"

"It makes us look like a banana republic"

"It's what totalitarian countries would do"

were some of the comments I read which just shows how ignorant these people are.

What the trial and the outcome demonstrates is not that USA is a 'banana republic' but the opposite in fact. It shows that USA is a proper democracy. If it was a totalitarian state then either Trump would never have been put on trial or, at the other end of the scale would have been summarily executed. Think Russia, China, North Korea and some of the worst African countries.

The USA legal system (apart from the Trump-ruined Supreme Court) actually works and this case and the result should be cause for celebration.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yep, good point.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, better than Cleaner's Pride Month.
Note where I put the possessive apostrophe.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Sadly, it probably won't make any difference to the election result and may serve to increase his popularity. A lot of the voters will see a conspiracy to undermine him.
Will he be able to pardon himself if elected?

RBB needs to listen to the Pope and love even cleaners (no apostrophe needed).


What about the odd cleaners. Doesn’t the pope love them? Oh, that’s right, you’ve already said that the pope, the Catholic Church and god doesn’t like anything queer.