Wednesday 17 July 2019


It seems that it's always been there. I wonder when it started given that USA is a mixture of races and cultures that have been blended over several hundred years.
They tend to over-dramatise, over-sentimentalise, over-everything.

I've been listening to the recordings of the moon landings in 1969 and the palaver over Neil Armstrong's words on stepping onto the surface of the moon.
Being Americans they would have gone over this in the finest detail with Armstrong being rehearsed to death over what he was going to say that wouldn't embarrass the good ol' USA and make them all feel righteous.

Of course Armstrong fucked it up saying:

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

When he was supposed to say:

 "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Of course the American PR machine has for decades been spinning bullshit that Armstrong said it correctly but atmospherics washed out the missing  'a'.

Who cares?

If it had been New Zealanders up there we would have just jumped out of the bloody door without agonising over some 'clever' thing to say. There would probably have been a few "Woo-hoo" s and "Beudy"s and most likely the two astronauts would have jumped down together or had a race for the ladder.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Another popular post. How do you guys do it?


Go to 2:46 on this clip.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

...and the whole thing was staged in a studio in Hollywood anyway.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Why is the flag waving in the wind if the moon is a vacuum?


And the earth is flat, the world was created in 6 days, there is a god broken up into three that controls everything and there's no such thing as global warming.
I think you should put your aluminium foil hat on Robert. Quickly.

Richard (of RBB) said...