Thursday 25 July 2019


I know, I know, I've been too nice recently and my posts have become a bit namby-pamby. It's time for some vitriol.

You know, or should do if you read my blog that a lot of things get up my nose. One of them is animated films.

I've nothing against animated films per se and have enjoyed many over the years like the Wallace and Gromit series, The Wind in The Willows, Fritz The Cat and lots of others.

Not having had children I've never gone along to all of those modern Disney monstrosities and all of the children's school holidays pap so don't have an appreciation or nostalgia for them.

But, in my defence I say - let them be. If people want to watch them then well and good. If the films are well made then all the better.


I've seen advertising for The Lion King remake (why they have to remake something that's only 24 years old is anyone's guess .... oh, I This is set to be a blockbuster and will drag along generations to watch it.

OK, all good but once again there is this bloody ridiculous emphasis on the actors who do the voice-overs. The characters in this and other films are either animated figures or cartoons. They don't exist. They are given voices obviously as the films are 'talkies' but basically any actor can do these voices. Why does it have to be a 'name'. This is a cop-out by the producers who are dragging along audiences who have images of Beyonce and John Oliver and Uncle Tom Cobley in their mind.

Uncle Tom Cobley and all

Admittedly in the new Lion King a lot of the actors are not famous names but there are enough that are. This all adds to the cost and limits the opportunities in the future for good and original animated films being made.



Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Kylie took his son and a friend to see it and they all thought it was good. Though they could be wrong.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

This post could also be titled "Off to the Bohemian Park". Though I could be wrong.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Tired of Robert's comments? Come on over to Richard's Bass Bag.* Generally a Robert comment free zone.

* the original bass bagging site