Tuesday 19 November 2019


A while ago Richard told me that Robert's wife Sue was unwell and would likely be in and out of hospital for treatment. I can relate to this having had relatives and other friends go through this and last year I was hospitalised for a spell.

Richard suggested that I tone down my criticism of Robert's religion and to, effectively, "Be nice".
Richard is like this. He's a caring brother to both his older and younger brothers, their families and to extended families and friends. It was Richard who defended sister-in-law Sue (older brother's wife) who was being bullied at university by storming into the Hunter Building law library and calling out the chief bully, a guy with the ludicrous name Sandy King. It was Richard who organised parties and family events for his elderly aunt. It was Richard who stood under the school steps and looked up the ..... oops, that's another story.

I agreed with Richard and complied, toning down my criticism of Robert's religion and endeavouring to not get 'het up' about the ridiculous things that his Filipino priest says in the sermons and which Robert takes as 'gospel' and repeats in his posts.
The problem with this is that it isn't me and isn't in keeping with the posts I've written and the comments I've made on the blogs for more than a decade.

Robert has said in his posts (all sadly deleted) that Sue reads my posts and actually enjoys them. It could be of course that she's gathering evidence to present to the cartel of priests at confession or at some secret society of Catholics that she's a member of. She could also be reading them while sticking pins in the voodoo doll image of me that she's made which might explain the aches and pains I get. Going on the assumption that Sue reads my posts (and Richard's) because she enjoys them, including the anti-Catholic, anti-religion and anti-God ones then I think I shouldn't cease making scathing remarks which I like to think as witticisms and little bits of information that Robert (and Sue) can use to better their daily lives - I say smugly.

In Robert's second to latest post (I would put a link in but no doubt he will have deleted all the posts and maybe the entire blog again by the time you get to it) I made a few observations which I think pertinent but that might be construed as irreligious, blasphemous or downright offensive. Sorry about that 😈.

Anyway - all the best to you Sue.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Just be your normal humorous self.
It bothers us not one iota what you say about the one true Catholic Church of Christ!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Robert's posts have disappeared. Maybe that's an admittion that we non believers are correst?

Richard (of RBB) said...



Well, not your spelling of admission.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Oops! Well then, maybe Robert is right?


Right wing anyway.