Monday 4 November 2019


The man once again sat at his computer in the dark. He could see his reflection in the green borders at the edge of his blog and smiled ruefully at it and the fact that The Curmudgeon had likened him to Salvador Dali. "Yes" he thought, "there is a resemblance there. I wish I could get this damn false moustache off though. That's the last time I'll use super-glue".

"Bloody curmudgeon" he muttered and then smiled as he recollected his withering response to The Curmudgeon's post about him. He had made the comment "If that were me, I would have used a comma after 'pronto'."
Ha! That'd show him.
The screen saver with the exploding stars that disappeared into nothingness after 30 seconds took over the screen and soon he was in darkness again.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...
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