Monday 18 November 2019


I've got to stop commenting on NEIGHBOURLY the community  news network where people post local items of interest along with national and even international ones.
Sometimes, after a particularly stupid, racist or otherwise insensitive post I make a funny comment.
The problem is that there are a lot of dicks out there who don't have a sense of humour and they come back with vitriol.

I'm used to the blogs where Richard and Robert respond with humour and at most, mild peevishness.
To access NEIGHBOURLY I use a Facebook account which lists my name. I don't trust Facebook and after the Christchurch Mosque attacks and Facebook's lousy response to this I cancelled two of our Facebook accounts. The third I retained because I need it to access community websites and services like Civil defence and the fire brigade.

I tried to change the listed name away from my Christian and Surname to a pseudonym or a username but haven't had any success at this so far. I'll keep trying though. Meanwhile I'll stop commenting on NEIGHBOURLY  as it's not worth the hassle.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I find Catholic Answers always treats comments with respect.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Sounds like the place for TC to try next.


Good idea. How do you get on catholic answers?
Is there a logic test you have to fail in order to qualify?