Monday 30 December 2019

IOB IN 2020

I'm aware recently that as a curmudgeon I've become a little bit too quiet and nice of recent so, perhaps a new year resolution is in order.

It may be time for a new blog or at least an extra one.

Richard of Richard's Bass Bag has created a bogus curmudgeon blog named:

Which so far hasn't produced any posts but does suggest the need for another, more vociferous one.

I think that I'll create the IOB or IRASCIBLE OLD BASTARD for use when events require something to be posted that is more mean than anything that THE CURMUDGEON or the other CURMUDGEONS can produce.

Stay posted.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I thought the irascible curmudgeon sounded patient and warm if a little dotterel when he suggested kindly that the perfection of grammar should precede all other pursuits, especially those recreational!


Well, I suggest that you watch his blog in the future as I'm sure that he will get crankier with time.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm betting he learns to love and becomes an inspiration.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm just worried about TC's guests who are being ignored while he writes this, um, important stuff. I hope they're talking among themselves - probably about how to sneak out and head home.


Our guests left this morning so no problems there.
The Curmudgeons inc. and all of its manifestations is ready to do battle on all fronts.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I just hope that all your readers don't fall into line also because that would increase your numbers by 2.