Sunday 8 December 2019


Richard recounts in his latest post how the weather in Wellington is bad and that he's hiding indoors doing violin practise. Poor Shelley.

At least the old guy has a sensible response to the rain and thunderstorms. He hasn't been (I hope) outside railing against it: KING LEAR

There are idiots (not Lear's Fool) who not only rail against the weather when it's bad but against NIWA, transport services, emergency services, hotels and airlines and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortune.
See this about some people who got stuck in the South Island due to road closures  and complained that the airline didn't hold up flights to wait until they could get there. If the airline had delayed flights many people would have complained about that.

NZ Herald

I recall, over the last week NIWA forecasting severe bad weather for the South Island and lower North Island for the following week. This has happened. Did people plan for it? Many didn't.


* Weather

    to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem

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