Monday 9 December 2019

SUDDENLY ..... *

A noise woke me in the middle of last night.

It was different from the usual noises that an old house makes when the timber and roofing iron cools down after dark and makes the odd thump or bang. I listened for a few moments and was sure that there was a furtive movement at the end of the house.
I got up, pulled on some shorts, grabbed a torch and made my way down the passage.  I kept the torch turned off as there was a bit of moonlight coming through the windows. I checked out the snooker room. Nothing. I then checked the rooms at the back of the house - lounge and kitchen, bathroom and laundry, first spare bedroom, second spare bedroom. Nothing. I was about to go back to bed and then had a creepy feeling that if someone had got in - I had left a window open - then they might be hiding in the wardrobe in the second spare bedroom. I turned on the light, threw open the wardrobe doors and ........


............ was nothing other than clothes. There was no crazy person peeking out. No axe-armed murderer lurking. No deranged intruder looking to make trouble.

I closed the cupboard doors and the window and went back to bed.

* Nothing happened.


Richard (of RBB) said...

A post about nothing. How very Seinfield.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Seinfeld. I just checked the spelling.


Yes, it pays to be thorough.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Like the content of your post.


You like it?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, to be honest, I think you're a bit homophonic.
Now, be careful how you take that.

Richard (of RBB) said...

No time to post today then?