Monday 9 December 2019


So it's nearly Christmas again.

Richard has sent out his annual Christmas letter and Robert seems to have cornered the market on Christmas kitsch.

Not to be outdone The Curmudgeon will have some 'Christmassy' posts for your edification, enjoyment and to help pass the time.

Here's a list of 'Christmassy' things:

The more observant of you will notice that some of the things in this list have links to previous posts that The Curmudgeons have written. Feel free to revisit these and enjoy all over again.

The list is a condensed one but even so there are still some unlinked items on the list that are worthy of a post or two and even some that have been written about previously but can be added to. Christmas Dinner is one example and The Food Curmudgeon will be publishing a post soon.


Richard (of RBB) said...

No rush The Food Curmudgeon. Please, please take your time.


No problem. The post is largely drafted. I've just been busy preparing a chicken and leek pie for dinner.

The Food Curmudgeon.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Shouldn't The Food Curmudgeon have said that?

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Dudley was a bit of fun on "Jesus". Thanks.