Thursday 24 December 2020


 "I need more drawers Matey" declared The Old Girl, referring to the shared rimu tallboy we have in the bedroom.

She has use of the top four smaller drawers for her stuff and I have the larger four drawers for, in descending order: socks and underwear; T-shirts; shorts; long trousers.

To be fair, she does need extra space having returned from Wellington with suitcases of clothes that all won't fit into her small wardrobe.

I emptied my drawers and set about moving the items to the kauri chest of drawers in the alcove in the bedroom.

This required emptying it of clothing that I will unlikely use like the thermal underwear I had in Canada, some ski clothing, shorts, shirts and trousers I haven't worn for years and other bits and pieces.

In went socks and underwear, some T-shirts, shorts but ..... there wasn't enough room. These drawers are smaller than the rimu ones. Some of my stuff had to go to AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ROOM!

This dresser is in the study, or what once was my study and is now The Old Girl's office. In it I had stored winter clothing, kayaking stuff, jeans, jumpers and scarves and, some stationery.

I took all of the warmer clothing items out and put in a suitcase for storage. Suitcases for storage is code for stage 1 of getting rid of things. After a suitable quarantine period - like purgatory, the stuff in suitcases will be taken out of the shed and given to Op shops. I put my trousers, pyjamas, 'house pants' and the rest of my shorts and T-shirts in the drawers that I emptied.

This might be temporary though. I already have use of the built in wardrobe in the study office for my clothes that need hanging up but we also have a wardrobe in one of the spare rooms that currently is full of junk but has built in drawers.

I suspect that soon my stuff in the dresser in the office will need to find a new home.  It will have to be in this wardrobe,

Failing that the woodshed beckons.


Richard (of RBB) said...

What a great post! I have often wondered how you store your clothes and which drawer contains what. Interesting to know, for example, where you t-shirts are kept.


Richard (of RBB) said...

This is your most boring post ever!


"This is your most boring post ever!"

Just wait for HERE WE GO (PART FOUR),

Richard (of RBB) said...

Don't worry, I've helped you out on Richard's Bass Bag.*

* the original bass bagging site