Tuesday 15 December 2020


" I'm really annoyed at you Matey!" said The Old Girl as we walked home from the restaurant last night.

I, of course couldn't understand what she was talking about. I mean, me, why would anyone be annoyed with me?

I asked for clarification.

She told me that she was annoyed with me because, in conversation with her old friends we were dining with, I told them that we were going to Stewart Island in February. January she said. No, February I countered and this went back and forth a few times with her giving me 'the look'. This went right over my head as I can be a bit obtuse at times.

Apparently, some time ago (months, in my defence) she told me that, to avoid travelling a long way to these friends' anniversary party in January, she had declined the invitation by saying we would be going to Stewart Island in January.

OK, now I see, but I asked her why she didn't provide me with 'cheat notes' for the dinner party conversation.

"Harrumph" she replied.

Women huh?*

* I also want to know why sandboys are so bloody happy.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Probably a fair cop.

To any woman.