Saturday 19 December 2020


 I just about fell off my chair this evening when a TV ONE news item caught my interest.

Defence Force personnel are seeking counselling due to the stress that they have been under while  manning COVID-19 isolation establishments.

They are upset because isolation 'internees' have shown dislike to them and they have feared for their safety thus causing putting  them under stress and causing psychological upset.

They also have feared for their own health.

OK, I accept the health concerns and it's such a shame that the defence force personnel made to watch the British nuclear bomb tests on the Bikini atoll weren't given counselling and recompense but .... when it comes to the other fears and worries that have caused stress ... WTF! ... they are the Defence Force - Navy, Army and Airforce.

What the hell will happen if this country is put at risk of armed conflict? Will our Defence Force personnel say "Sorry - my Mum won't let me go? It sounds like Private Pike in Dad's Army bringing a note from his mother to let him off duty.

My dad would turn over in his grave if he heard this.