Friday 11 December 2020


 Robert The Religious (his new identity) wrote a rather strange post titled 'Some interesting religious facts'.  As Robert's posts are usually short and ephemeral I took the liberty of copying and pasting it here:

Some interesting religious facts.

1. Belief in God is not based on faith alone.
2. The reason why the bible has not been added to is because God has said everything he wants us to know!
3. Angels have many forms. Angels as we know them are the messengers. Above that are the arch angels or sons of god. These are really powerful spiritual beings sometimes wrestling with each other. Sometimes they have countries or regions of the earth they control and fight over.
4. The one sin that Jesus refers to that can never be forgiven is to sin against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Truth. Those who would deliberately deceive others with malicious intent about what the Holy Spirit says in truth have gone beyond forgiveness as it requires penance to be forgiven and without the truth forgiveness will never be asked for.

You will no doubt notice that none of these are interesting and certainly not facts but he chooses to believe them anyway.

This prompted me to find out what christians in general believe and are all agreed on.

Here are some of their beliefs on the supernatural which are essential to believe or you get kicked out of the Christian club. They are part of  an essay that Greg Clarke, former CEO of Bible Society Australia. published.

 1. Christians believe that the best explanation for the universe’s existence  is a divine mind called God. This God can't be seen or proved to exist but Christians are absolutely convinced that it exists.

2. Christians believe in the existence of non-human beings called angels, demons, the Holy Trinity and  Satan even though these cannot be seen or heard from.

3. Christians believe that in different ways over the last few thousand years God has communicated with human beings. Sometimes it was through strange  activities such as a voice from the heavens, a burning bush or even a speaking donkey. 

4. Christians believe that Jesus was fully human but also fully divine. He’s also the same as God. They believe then that Jesus's words in the bible (admittedly written down hundreds of years after he lived) are the words of God.

5. Christians believe that people can still encounter God through Jesus's Spirit. Jesus taught that when he left the world to return to God in heaven, his Spirit remained – the spirit of God in Christ. 

6. Christians believe that when Jesus was crucified, his death was no mere physical matter. It was a spiritual means of reconciling the world with divine perfection. 

7. Christians believe that eternity is real, space and time are limited, and the distance between the two is as small as the distance between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. They believe Jesus returned to life after his burial and in doing so showed what the future is like – death is not the end.

And old Greg was part of the 'club'.

Go figure!


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for sharing those truths; where can I go to become a Catholic?

Anonymous said...

I think catholics get signed up in a bar with a snooker table.

Anonymous said...

No they don't. There's a farm near Taihape where they get signed up.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit! And I'm not talking about that farm.

Anonymous said...

I heard somewhere that a guy called Evil Doctor Richard can sign you up, as long as you apologize for what the catholic clergy get up to.