Wednesday 17 May 2023


 * What Christchurch should have beeb renamed to after that terrorist shooting.

The Old Girl is 'house-sitting' in Christchurch for 3 months and I'm visiting for a week each month.

The house is brand new (post ChCh earthquake I guess) and is situated on a hill with magnificent views out East and north across the city.


It's a spacious double storey house, well appointed with lots of modern amenities so she will enjoy her stay (free) on her latest adventure.

It's a lovely day here just as I remember Christchurch autumns and winters - cool mornings and sunny days. I'm going to enjoy the visit but I hurt my back doing paving the other day so am struggling a bit. I hope that the exercises I'm doing will loosen up my back muscles so that I can get out and about.

I might keep you posted with updates but I'm a bit behind with the interview series, the 'things that annoy me' series and of course The Wine Guy's blog needs updating.

Stay posted just in case.