I live in the real world - for good or bad - actually it's the only one there is regardless of what fantasy writers, super-hero movie makers and religious people say.
Life isn't a bunch of roses or, as Forrest Gump said - a box of chocolates, it can be rough depending on personal circumstances - health, finance, intelligence, ethnicity, geographical location, social standing etc, but we have to deal with it and endeavour to improve things for ourselves and others without throwing rocks at people.
Burying your head in the sand is no good either.
I hope that works out for him but sadly, it won't just like it won't for these apologists.
Good post.
I don't know. Nutters say a lot of things - just walk along any city street and the meth addicts, alcoholics and schizophrenics will engage you in conversation if you want. Jesus would have been yet another of those strange prophets if it hadn't been for Constantine, with his political ambitions, to give credence to 'Christianity' and to give the Christian Church the impetus it needed in the 4th century otherwise it would have fizzled out.
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