Friday 8 September 2023


Yes fame - you might have heard of it ....


.... even if you haven't heard of me.

We go through life hearing of other people's exploits, achievements, crimes, deeds and misdemeanours but really .... it's all about us isn't it?

Why be coy? We spend the majority of our time on our own and we'll die alone so we should blow our own trumpet shouldn't we? 

I listen a lot to National Radio particularly when The Old Girl's away as she works from home and has hearing like a bat so extraneous noise interrupts, distracts and annoys her. Anyway, I generally enjoy the interviews but every now and then there's someone on the show who has an overdeveloped ego and can't help telling everyone of their exploits, achievements and deeds but rarely of their, crimes and misdemeanours.

So, why be coy?

Maybe because, no matter how famous you are in your own mind and your own lifetime, you are just a small part of this universe and being kind is more important
than being you. I don't mean that you have to be anonymous or to live your life in hiding. Identity and self awareness is important and our own narratives should make our lives meaningful and keep us healthy. It's just that those are what they are - our own narratives. Sometimes sharing is not caring.

The dark side of ego can be overuse of the power in 'feeling empowered'. This can lead to lack of empathy (if there was any to start with assuming that you're not a narcissist or a psychopath) and oppression.

I've used Reb Fountain's song before in a post but here it is again because it matches this theme of being aware of what's within us and the need to challenge ourselves before unfairly categorising and putting down others. It's positive though in that introspection and understanding who we are allows us to get on with things, do the right thing and 'be kind'.


Richard, mentioned in a comment on an earlier post that he's practising for a bass performance and has dedicated one tune to Jacinda Ardern and titled it 'Be Kind'. I like that and am proud to know him and for his support of a great and recently unaccountably maligned prime minister. That's what a hero does.

Here's another David Bowie song that touches a little bit on the things within ourself.

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks for the kind words.

I love that Reb Fountain video!