Monday 2 October 2023


 Parables are popular on the blogs at present. Robert has been dutifully reporting on the ones that Father Awayfromhere bangs out in sermons and Richard, as a response wrote a spoof one which actually made more sense than the originals.

I thought it a good idea to join in on this - hey! Never let a good post idea go unused.

Jesus gathered the prevailing bloggers around him as he had noticed some dissension amongst them.

Jesus: Let he who writes the best blog posts cast the first stone.

Robert: But I'm into metric Master.

Jesus: (looking sideways at Robert to see if he was taking the piss or not). But Robert, you can convert from metric to avoirdupois can you not? What is metric but a measure of what we have. It is not a measure of what we want to achieve. A man not being willing to convert does not make the conversion unnecessary. We must do what is right at every opportunity. The only left we have here is left feeling confused. People who don't follow the metric system probably get confused by Instagram. Amen I say to you only a fool or an optimist uses a tablespoon if the recipe calls for a teaspoon.

Richard: Whatever.

Jesus: TC?

TC: What he said. 




Richard (of RBB) said...

Matthew 14:73 It's actually very hard to take the piss, unless you have a jar or a bucket.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm glad Richard didn't say 'hah ha'.


Go shit in your hat.