Friday 27 October 2023



I was in the kitchen listening to National Radio this morning and a catchy song was played. I found myself doing some dance moves not unlike the two in this video: DANCING

It got me thinking of how such a thing as silly as dancing gets taken so seriously by some people and how they can be so scathing of other people's 'moves'.

The Old Girl laughs at my dance moves but this is in a good natured way so I don't mind. I know that I'm not a good dancer and a lot of this is to do with lack of practice because, well, I don't practise it. I shy away from dancing whenever I'm out at a 'do' and only dance under duress with The Old Girl and then only if it is to one of these three songs:

  • Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
  • Love Shack - B52s
  • Turning Japanese - The Vapors
Anyway, back to the kitchen ...


    Richard (of RBB) said...

    I was always too busy playing bass to dance with Shelley.

    THE CURMUDGEON said...

    Lucky woman.

    Richard (of RBB) said...

    We had a lovely brunch with Lynn today. She was very complimentary about Richard's Bass Bag* and asked me to give you a few lessons on posting. I asked her if you could use the office more but she said, "No."
    She continued, "Your posts have charm but Peter's are all a long boring series about windows or silly little storms."
    I'm only writing this, like a good friend, to say that I can help you turn out better posts.

    * the original bass bagging site

    THE CURMUDGEON said...

    Lynn doesn't read my posts (luckily) so wouldn't have a clue about "windows or silly little storms."

    She is aware that I have a blog though and knows it by name.

    There's no way that she knows about your blog and I'm sure that she looked quite blank when you mentioned Richard's Bass Blob.

    She told me that you two are having a dirty weekend in Wellington, Enjoy! I hope the jazz concert is good. Don'r drink too much and watch out for those bed bugs.

    Richard (of RBB) said...

    I asked Lynn for some inside info I could use and she told me to just make stuff up.