Thursday 26 October 2023


I've been busy today.

I thought I'd give golf a go as I haven't been out for many months since first hurting my back in May and then tearing hip tendons in July. This 'experiment' was triggered by the fact that the yearly subscription was due and I paid up for another year for a 9-hole membership.

"You take it easy and don't go fossicking for golf balls" the Old Girl said when I told her last night of my plans. I did at least follow half of her advice and just played 5 of the easiest holes without hills. I played great tee shots and putted well but my approach shots were crap. As usual there were a few big strong tradie types who weren't walking with trundlers but, instead, were hurtling along in their silly golf carts. 

The guys were just as bad.

Later I decided to re-install the deck shade cloth I took down last month. I took it down because the severe storms we've had tore the mounting plates from the weatherboards of the house. I was considering leaving it off but last night the stetting sun shining into the kitchen was annoying so ...

... I fixed the mounting plates and, with difficulty, re-installed the shade cloth.

Job done!

Rustic tomato and chicken sauce with penne pasta for dinner.


Richard (of RBB) said...


Richard (of RBB) said...

"You take it easy and don't go fossicking for golf balls" the Old Girl said...

Can you see where you missed a full stop?
Goodness, and to think that you were in 3P!

Richard (of RBB)


Yes, ‘stetting’.
It means “ been left to stand”. You’d know that if you’d been in 3P. It’s Latin
Up north, in the Spring and Summer we have all day sun kind of like they do in Scandinavia.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Che stronzata.


Thanks but we've already got one.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Sue wanted to make a similar dish the other day so I bought Fetta instead of Fettucine, because Pak n Save didn't have Fettucine. Did it matter?


I’m sure that Richard has an Italian saying for “stupid is as stupid does” that would be appropriate here.