Sunday 1 October 2023



A familiar figure got all sooky when his comments were ignored recently and threw his toys out of the cot.

Oh ..... I'm not talking of Richard (of Richard's Bass Bag) who seems to be having a spat with Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner, toilet cleaner, threatener of eternal damnation, music snob and sucker - this guy:

I'm not worried about them. They fight like brothers often. No, I'm talking about another old guy whose star is waning - Winston Peters (of Winston's Gas Bag). He made himself seem even sillier in an interview on Q&A with Jack Tame. Here's a link to the programme and the report on it.


Throughout the interview, Peters repeatedly accused interviewer Jack Tame of being "desperate" and "inexperienced" — suggesting the interview was a "vindictive attack".

"I'm not gonna sit here and have a fiscal argument with you when you don't know what you're talking about. The prison officers that I saw, backed New Zealand First's proposal. They say it will work and if it happens, they say we will have far less reoffending." Said Peters
"I think Robert deleted a couple of my comments on his latest blog post. 
This means that I won't be commenting there anymore.
My LINK to his blog might also be under threat."
He continued ..... oops! Sorry, that was Richard of RBB who seems to have got mixed in here.
Speaking to Tame, he added: "I'm gonna answer that question if you'll shut up for five seconds. Would you do that? Tell me you're going to do that before I answer."He added: "You're not going to sit here like an amateur not knowing the facts. As a former treasurer, I do understand the subject."

When pressed further about his policy costings, Peters said: "Can I just tell TV1, you're a taxpayer-owned operation, the taxpayers are entitled to have a proper interview here. Not you thinking you're going to do what you did last time."

Boys will be boys.


Richard (of RBB) said...

I thought I told you not to take both tablets at once.

Richard (of RBB) said...

But you go girl!