Friday 24 May 2024


 It's another glorious day in paradise. I've got a few chores to do around the house and will take advantage of the nice weather. I have to get up on the roof to clear the gutters in case we get rainstorms next week.

First up though I decided to juice some apples that we had in the fridge. The Old Girl suggested that I use oranges from the tree beside the house.

I never use these, assuming that they aren't very sweet given that the tree is planted in a silly place pretty much out of the sun. The previous owners planted it so it's been there for a long time. A couple of years ago I severely pruned it right to the base intending to dig it out but it has come back luxuriously.

Anyway I juiced the apples, a lot of the oranges, added a large red capsicum and Bob is Richard's brother! We had a glass each of juice and there's enough left for the next couple of days.

* Who said that blogging can't be interesting?



Yes, the juice was sweet.
At Parua Bay, the next bay along from us they grow, casually and commercially, bananas and pineapples.

Anonymous said...

I really like the post series that you do The Curmudgeon. Can you please write some more?

Richard (of RBB)