Thursday 30 May 2024



No, your eyes aren't deceiving you - I lit the fire in the lounge today. The temperature plummeted up here to 13 degrees in the house! "We need the fire on!" called The Old Girl who was huddled in three layers of clothing so I got in a wheelbarrow load of wood from the woodshed. I can see now that the temperature indoors has risen to 16 degrees. Whew! Crisis over.

Actually, we aren't that wussy. As I mentioned in a previous post I want to clear out the woodshed of wood and use it as a toolshed - for garden tools. As today started off cold (12 degrees or less outside) I thought that today would be a good day to start. I want to test the fireplace and chimney to ensure that it's safe before having bigger fires when it gets really cold.

All seems good. The lounge is warm and cosy but I've left the doors open to allow the warmth to spread through the house.

Robert will probably berate me for adding to global warming but never-mind, I do my environmental pollution the old fashioned way.


Richard (of RBB) said...

How did you come up with that topic?


I’m disappointed to see Robert descending to Richard’s level of scatological humour. Frankly I thought he was better than that.


We have 3 heat pumps but, as I said, I want to use up the wood in the woodshed Robert who doesn’t read things properly.

Richard (of RBB) said...

But how will farting help that?


I see that the Wainuiomartian wit has reached Moera.
Oh well. We know what rolls down a hill don’t we.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Is it true that St. Michael comes from Venus?

Richard (of RBB) said...

But up north the boys play darts.

Richard (of RBB) said...

What planet is associated with Rob's fart jokes?


I suspect that it starts with U.


I need to write a new post and there is so much material to draw from:

- The governments new budget where Minnie Mouse-voiced Finance Minister demonstrates how to fuck a country and increase national debt way beyond anything done before.

- The orange idiot being found guilty on all counts (34?) in his NYC trial. He won't go to prison but, and as a great assault to his dignity, let's hope the sentencing judge makes him pick up rubbish in New York's subways - JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER CRIMINALS WHO DON'T GO TO PRISON HAVE TO.

- Reports of a tsunami of shit flowing down the Wainuiomata hill - watch out Moera!

- Pope Frank shot himself in the foot when he showed that he doesn't like 'faggots'. Robert will be relieved.


But .... It's late and I'm tired having spent hours in the garden weeding and trimming trees. I've had a glass of chardonnay now - The Old Girl opened a Coppola (Francis Ford Coppola) chardonnay and I've had a glass - marvellous. Dinner is pre-prepared (fritatta) and TV awaits afterwards - all of the US news channels either celebrating of commiserating Trump's bad day depending on which side of the political divide the ascribe to.