Monday 13 May 2024


 *That title is for the benefit of the newly retired old bloggers who read my post. They no doubt need to be reminded of the time, the days of the week, the year, who's in government and to change their underwear.

It's been a great day up here. I played golf this morning on the way back from the airport. I'll surprise The Old Girl when I talk on FaceTime with her this evening (she's off again for a week in Auckland) by telling her that while I lost two golfballs I didn't agonise over this so didn't go fossicking down banks and in the creeks to find more. I had a sort of epiphany (no doubt that got Robert's attention) and have decided to use up all of the golfballs I have (hundreds of them) before looking for more.

With The Old Girl away (again) I can listen to National Radio all day, make a bit of a mess (but I did have a bath and changed my underwear), eat what I probably shouldn't and I opened a bottle of pinot noir this afternoon (3PM) and had a glass. Yummy.

This was a bit earlier than I usually imbibe but I convinced myself that the beef chow mein I'm cooking for dinner needs a smidgeon of wine in the sauce -  Beef Chow Mein

I chose the Terra Sancta 'Mysterious Diggings' 2022 Pinot Noir which The Wine Guy has spoken of before. See: HERE

I'm fairly confident that this post will be the most interesting today, having checked out the other bloggers to find that Richard has just written two posts that consist of just listing my various blogs and Robert - well, you know.



At least the blog problem is fixable.


What about brain?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Can you please fix this blog Rob?


Does Chloe write your material?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Sounds like you've been at tennis with the boys. I thought that happened on a Tuesday.


I went to tennis yesterday.
You might be interested to know that Roger got arrested by the police last week so he wasn't at tennis.


I apologise for not writing a post today - mea culpa.
It rained heavily all night - not that this had anything to do with it, I just thought you might like to know. I went shopping and got a haircut today. It's too late to write a post about all those exciting things and I have to make a bread and butter pudding soon using up the remainder of a loaf of raisin toast. Dinner will be the leftover bacon (chicken bacon) and egg pie I made last night with sautéed potatoes (from the leftover boiled potatoes from last night).
Ha ha, I just realised that this comment is nearly as long as the post I might have written. Oh well, enjoy but I apologise for not having any funny and interesting images to go with it or particularly appropriate music video links.
Mea culpa.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I think it's fair to say that, when you're brief (no reference to underpants) we're all happy.