Saturday 4 May 2024



I had the house cleaned the other day. The cleaner did an excellent job and it's so nice being in a sparkling clean house but ... should I stay or should I go?

The Old Girl arrives home on Tuesday and it'll be nice for her to come home to a clean and tidy house. The trouble is that I'm worried that over the next three days I might make a real mess of it again. I find myself grabbing a cloth and immediately wiping up ever mark I've made on surfaces or sweeping up every little dropped thing.

I've actually contemplated moving to my sister's holiday house a couple of bays away in the interim so as to leave our house unsullied. I don't think that there will be broadband internet there though so I feel that I owe it to the blog readers to stay so that I can post. I'll stay.

I've had a nice Saturday so far with a long walk in the morning and a bit of gardening. I also tidied up the basement. I intended to find things in there to add to the trailer load of garden cuttings that I intend taking to the tip this coming week but couldn't actually find anything I wanted to throw away so I just moved things around a bit.

I'm enjoying a glass of a Hawke's Bay chardonnay after pre-preparing schnitzel and roast potatoes for dinner. I'll have these with sautéed broccoli and sliced almonds. I'm looking forward to a glass of Church Road Reserve Central Otago pinot noir to go with this.

It's a pity that Robert, in his newly-formatted blog no longer tells us what he's having for dinner. Maybe you have to subscribe  to a 'fans only'- like site to find out.


Richard (of RBB) said...



Has that internal foot gone to sleep?
Don’t worry, there are many people standing by to give you a top up.


Beef. Fillet steak sliced thin and coated in seasoned flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. While The Old Girl and I, after watching the Netflix documentary series 'You are what you eat' decided to go vegan or at least vegetarian, we have kind of settled on our usual diet of mostly vegetarian meals and only a bit of meat based meals, but have ruled out processed meats like bacon, sausages, salami, hotdogs, luncheon meat and anything where the producers think it's a good idea to eat chickens, lambs, cattle and pigs arseholes.