Friday 7 June 2024


My abdominal muscle tear or whatever it was is coming right. Doctor Google told me that with rest it would mend itself. I was planning to, as soon as I got better, continue excavating under the house just in case further plumbing problems arise. The Old Girl is off to a fancy schmancy restaurant today for lunch so I won't be able to go searching for suitable digging tools at the 'tradie 'warehouses. This is probably just as well as it forces me to rest up for a few more days.

I found that because of the extremely cramped space, normal digging tools - spade, pick, shovel etc were no use as there's no way to swing them. I used a Niwashi digidigi tool which was OK but took ages as it only has a narrow blade.

 It also hurt my hand from having to force it through the dirt with my palm.  It made me feel like a WW2 POW digging an escape tunnel.

I'm looking for a short handled spade with a cross piece at the bottom of the handle for grip. Something like this:

I also found this when looking for excavation tools on the internet:

This might do the job but it costs $500 and is supplied by ALI Express from China so I'm a bit dubious of it. I'd rather find a 'tradie' store that has things like this in stock so I can see and handle it before purchase.

Mind you, I could also just 'get a man in' as The Old Girl suggests which, if I get qualified excavators might avoid me undermining and collapsing the house.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Why not try some CRC?


Or use some of Lynn's 'deep foundation' cream?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No need to get smart.


No, I won’t need the cone of silence. No one can hear you when under the house.I’ve called out to Lynn from there and she hasn’t heard me.