Friday 21 June 2019


I guess that you've noticed the appalling arrogance shown by 'Internet Stars' and 'Influencers' who display their useless and dissolute existences on various social media platforms. Unbelievably these idiots get sponsored by fashion brands and some are able to enjoy riches and privileges quite undeservedly. At the top end are the Kardashians and at the bottom end are people like John Key's son Max Key. These people manage to dupe wannabes into funding their lifestyles by buying the products and services they promote or, via GOFUNDME type donation platforms.

I've noticed these for a while and now am convinced that they won't go away but I'm noticing now that there is a lot of pushback from people who once might have bought into their crap.
I touched on it in an earlier post: INFLUENCING

Check out this where some relatives of a dead Australian mobster want to cash in and create a reality TV series of their lives. They are seeking $50,000 on GOFUNDME (so far have raised about $500).

Deceased Melbourne hitman Carl Williams' daughter and her mother are  using GOFUNDME to try and raise money to fund a reality TV series that will give "a glimpse inside the life of a family who live in the shadow of their fallen husband and father". 

Give us a break.

I read and liked today's Eleanor Barker's take on waste-of-space influencer's and Instagram 'stars'. She wittily concludes: 

"Look again at the people you follow on Instagram. Do the numbers add up? Travel is expensive. Are the desires they bring out in you good for your body and your livelihood?You don't need a picture of yourself in an infinity pool in Bali to be successful. I personally admire people who have quit social media most of all. Although they are the devil to contact."

Some recent ones I've read in The New Zealand Herald are:

The German dopes who want followers to fund their world travel. See:  GERMAN NO-HOPERS

This Swedish snowflake who thinks that the world owes her a living. See:  SHALLOW THINKER

Israel Folau wanting 'supporters' to fund his legal bills after his stupid proselytising. 

Admittedly in his case there are enough religious nutters out there willing to support him and he's already raised a quarter of a million dollars. Pity those idiots couldn't donate to a worthy charity.

Can you believe this?

Well, hold on to your hats because now there are virtual influencers that people without lives will give their hard-earned money to. See:  VIRTUAL INFLUENCERS

The world has gone mad.

Don't forget to support your sponsors.
Today's post is sponsored by Gillette.



I'm pleased that you learned one thing at university.


Oh, by the way, as these were LINKS the references are all there inherent in the material that the link takes you to.