Sunday 22 September 2019


God (that mythical being) save us from irascible old retired school teachers.
It's bad enough that they want to correct our grammer (that'll keep them happy for a while) - and I bet that they go about checking shop signs and billboards for errors - but one of them does fact checking on my blog.

Richard (of RBB) in a comment on my last posts wrote:

 "...... The Curmudgeon Inc is sending out false news or, at best, approximated news."

I think he's been reading too much about Donald Trump and his war on the media and is confusing THE CURMUDGEON blog with CNN or The New York Times.

THE CURMUDGEON doesn't make any claims to be exact news. We often say that we present up to date news, interesting news or controversial news but have never said that what we write is true, worthwhile, wholesome or in any way worthy.

To make this clear we have inserted a new header into our blog that announces that THE CURMUDGEON publishes 'approximated news'.



Richard (of RBB) said...

I hope you don't do weather forecasts.


No but I used to do market, business and financial forecasts.
I made up facts and embellished the truth in those as well.