Wednesday 18 September 2019


Well, Rod and I went for that bike ride today. The weather was glorious with sunshine, blue sky and no wind. We tootled around Pataua for about an hour and a half. Pataua is a quiet place where there are lots of holiday houses. The streets (not in Summer) are quiet and good for bike riding. There are great beaches there on both sides of the estuary which look out to the Poor Knights islands.

There are neat little coves here and there with sheltered water, nice sand and no people!


Rod himself is a bit of a strange cove. He's a close talker:  THE CLOSE TALKER- SEINFELD

I constantly find myself moving away from him. It's a pain when walking side to side as he leans in and encroaches my space all the time - even when riding the bloody bikes.

Rod is also a loud talker. This can be embarrassing when in conversation with him as he has a habit of making comments about other people quite loudly. Here's an example from today when we stopped at the beach to look at the sights. There was a youngish woman walking along the path not far away and Rod says (loudly) - "Cor! Look at the crumpet".
I shushed him but he was adamant that she hadn't heard although I was sure that she had. He does this at the tennis as well and, when the subject of his comments looks over I have to look away pretending that I'm not with him. He is also not a person you should ever tell something in confidence to. 'I call him The News of the North'. If you want it broadcast around the neighbourhood then tell him.


After the ride I went to the gym before calling around to Rod's place where I helped him with a water leak under his house.

I came home and spent a couple of hours weeding the garden alongside the drive and now am quite exhausted.

How has your Wednesday been?


Richard (of RBB) said...

I wrote a post about my early thoughts. Then I went to NLHS. Then I had a Chardonnay.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I would never, never call anyone a hypocrite but didn't he just post on my blog telling me not to reveal private details about people?


Yes but no-one knows who 'Rod' is.