Monday 30 September 2019


The Old Girl and I went out for brunch in Karangahape Road yesterday before I caught the 1 PM bus home. It was very pleasant.

Walking to the bus station I passed a cafe in Aotea Square that had a sign outside that seemed to be taking a shot at me:

Bloody cheek!

At the bus stop I joined the queue behind a couple of elderly dames and was aware of other people shuffling closer as it neared time for the bus driver to open the door and check off names. When this happened two female backpackers who had come along later tried to muscle in front. I pushed one back and said to her to stop being so pushy and to show some respect. This allowed the old girls in front of me to board the bus. The girl I reprimanded huffed but stayed back so I was next on. I get pissed off with this sort of behaviour. It was a double decker and they obviously wanted the seats on top at the front. I prefer the lower level as there's less chance of feeling queasy.

The bus was late leaving and also delayed by slow traffic north of Warkworth where ambulances and fire engines were attending to a crash. A big black SUV was upside down in the middle of the road. This was roughly the same spot where Lynn was held up by a serious accident a week ago. It's a dangerous road with too many speedsters and inattentive drivers.

At Whangarei I was walking along by The Basin (boat marina area) to my car and spied a guy with a dog running along. The dog stopped and had a big crap on a nice grassy area. He kept going without picking it up. A little further along I caught up with them and berated him for not picking up the dog crap. He got all defensive and said that his 'missus' had picked it up pointing back to a group of three women following along a little but behind. I looked around and he asked his 'missus' about it. She said yes she had picked up the said crap so I said sorry and walked on.

Maybe I should have had one of those coffees back in Auckland.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I will not take it personal when you berate me about my religion.

Richard (of RBB) said...

TC is just back and you boys are having fun already.