Wednesday 18 September 2019


"If you can't beat them - join them"

If you can’t beat them, join them usually means if you can not defeat your opponent, you may as well join forces with him in order to have at least a modicum of control of the situation. An alternate meaning of if you can’t beat them, join them is the advice to adopt the methods that your opponent is using in a situation, but not necessarily the goals. In this case, if you can’t beat them, join them has a similar meaning to the phrase beat someone at his own game. Usage of the phrase if you can’t beat them, join them may be good-natured, deferring to the will of the group, or it may be a warning that the conflict is about to become more intense. If you can’t beat them join them is American English, though its etymology is shrouded in mystery. The earliest known use of the term is in the Atlantic Monthly magazine, in 1932. Senator James E. Watson listed the term as one of his favorite (sic) maxims, which means it was in use for some period of time before 1932. The exact quote is “If you can’t lick ’em, jine ’em.” This is a rendering of the phrase with slang terminology, used to communicate in specialized (sic) situations. The phrase if you can’t lick them, join them is still occasionally seen, but the word lick to mean defeat is not used as often as it once was. If you can’t beat them, join them is a proverb that is often quoted as pragmatic advice for those in politics.

Richard's off talking about bass strings in his latest post. I think that he's got a hangover.

I thought I'd tell you what I've got planned today, just as a filler as I don't want to write something sensational that would show the other blogs up as boring.

This morning I woke early (for me) at 6.45. I breakfasted, stripped the bed linen and put through the wash (The Old Girl is coming up here on Friday), hung up the washing and got the bike out of the shed and put it in the car.

Friend Rod is calling around at 9am and we are going for a ride at Pataua. We'll do both North and South Pataua which are separated by a footbridge,

I'll then go to the gym and after that have lunch.

I've got weeding planned for the afternoon.

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